Monday, August 24, 2015

August 24, 2015

(No Su
Well, if any of you (or all of you) didn't get an email last week
that would be because I completely forgot to send one! Sorry about

So my favorite song... Oh that's a hard one. I love 80's music and
hymns Disney music. I would have to say as of right now, my favorite
one is "You're the Inspiration" by Chicago. Thanks everyone who
answered that! Music is a wonderful thing that can cause many feelings
and emotions that would not be discovered any other way. I love music!

Well I'll be transferred to Lewiston New York tomorrow and will bid
Geneseo goodbye! I'm excited to have the opportunity to go somewhere
new and hit the ground running!

This week's challenge is to contact one of your old friends you
haven't contacted in a while. One quote I've heard recently is "we're
so connected that we aren't connecting" as in we are so linked
together through social media that we aren't actually connecting
(talking, interacting, spending time with each other physically
present rather than virtually). I thought that was awesome, so I
wanted to share it! Let me know how it goes (if it isn't too

Everyone, have a great week!

-Elder Moon