Monday, January 9, 2017

January 9, 2017

Friends and Family!

This week was good for us! We found lots of people and have tons of appointments set up for next week! The holiday dip is officially over and things are picking up nicely! We found this guy named Justin who has an abundance of faith! He believes most of the things we teach and reads what we ask him to. We also started teaching this guy named Rob who walked about a mile in 0 degree windy bitter cold weather just to meet with us! Had we known, we would've tried to work something else out! We're excited to see things continue to pick up this coming week!

Cindy is back on her feet. She'd missed church the last 2 weeks because she told us she had a gigantic kidney stone. At first they thought it was some inflammation of some organ that I know nothing about. Kidney, appendix, etc. something. Then they found out it was a
5 centimeter kidney stone. She asked for a blessing last Sunday and passed it last Monday early in the morning. Priesthood blessings work!

What should the challenge be this week? Here's a good one. Try to find someone this week who is "despised and rejected of men, a man of sorrows and aquatinted with grief." One to whom people "hide their faces from" and either ignore or demean, ridicule or ostracize. Find them and include them. Help them feel your love; help them feel God's love. It doesn't have to be someone you ostracize. And it doesn't have to be someone publicly or generally hated. It can be someone who simply feels left out, either usually or just this once. Someone who needs to feel rightly included, whether they're frequently an outcast or have been excluded for the first time. Christ says to us 'inasmuch as he have done it unto one of the least of these...Ye have done it unto Me." If we want to show appreciation for The One who was truly despised and rejected of men and still suffered tremendous pains for them, we should follow His counsel and feed His sheep.

I hope everyone has a great week looking for the emotionally and socially lost sheep!

-Elder Moon